Monday, 21 May 2018

Totally culture!!

Hello students!! In class we were talking about different festivals that are celebrated around the UK. Here you have videos related to them, I hope you like them.

Gloucester Cheese Rolling

Nettle contest

Nothing Hill Carnival

Trooping the colour

 (Oh my God!! It is two hours long!!)

Bognor Birdman

What about you? do yo know curious festivities around Spain? You can comment if you want!!

See you!

Tuesday, 15 May 2018


In unit 6 I've got a challenge for you!! In pairs you have to record a video having a conversation. You must look at the example in your class book (pag 63) you can include other questions and answers.

Here you also have the rubric where appears what I’m going to rate while I watch your videos.

Things to remember:

  • The conversation is between two people, so, two different conversations.
  • Include I can’t wait to... and I’m looking forward to... in your conversation.
  • Relax, you can speak in English very well.
  • Remeber that you have to turn in the script next week.
  • You can send the video to my email or use an USB memory stick.
  • DEADLINE -> 20th May 2018
If you have any question, please let me know. 

I can’t wait to watch your videos!! Have fun!!

Thursday, 10 May 2018


As you know at the school this year we are listening differnt films songs. Now we've got a song from the film La La Land and here you can sing it, because you can read the lyrics!! hurray!!

 Last month at the school we had a very nice song, and here you've got the video with the lyrics too, so, you can sing at home out loud and enjoy with an ukelele!


Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Could/ couldn't - Have to / don't have to

Hello students!

Let's work with could and couldn`t with these games:



ACTIVITY 3-> Hi ha dos jocs, feu clic a game


You also have to improve your English. You don't have to play computer games all day!! so, let's practice...


Recordeu que en la tercera persona del singular utilitzem has to / doesn't have to

ACTIVITY 3-> Hi ha dos jocs, feu clic a game

ACTIVITY 4-> Ací a mes de tindre grammar games, podeu adeprendre vocabulary nou i jugar amb molts jocs diferents.

I hope you enjoy! remember that we will have a surprise exam soon!!

Imagen relacionada

Test online - 6th Grade

Hola a tots! 
Aquesta entrada la faré en valencià per a donar-vos les instruccions per a fer el test online
És un examen tipus test que podeu fer per a recuperar l’examen o pujar la nota final de l’avaluació en cas de tindre l’examen aprovat.

Passos a seguir: 

1. Fer clic a aquest link

2. Fer el test, elegint una de les tres possibles respostes. Com és la primera volta que l’he fet hi ha dues errades, per tant les frases número 2 i 18 que soles teniu una opció de resposta NO LES CONTESTEU. 

3. Fer clic al final al botó “Corregir Test” 

4. Una volta corregit, reviseu les vostres respostes i al final apareix el nombre de preguntes encertades/errònies, nombre de preguntes sense contestar (que seran les 2 que he comentat en el punt 2), el percentatge i la nota. Si no vos agrada la nota, podeu repetir el test tantes voltes vulgueu i utilitzar els vostres llibres. El percentatge més alt al que podeu optar és un 90%, per tant, el 90% serà un 10. 

5. Enviar el test ADJUNT al meu correu electrònic (a classe vos el donaré). A la pàgina web apareix un botó que fica “Enviar resultado por e-mail” però a mi no m’ha funcionat. 
Teniu diferents formes de fer-me arribar aquest test corregit: 
-Guardant la pàgina web 
-Fent “Pantallazos” 
-Creant un document pdf 
- Qualsevol altra forma que vosaltres sapigueu. 

IMPORTANT: guardeu l’arxiu ficant “Test El vostre nom. La vostra classe”. EX.: “TestAmparo6A” 

He comprovat que podeu fer el test tant a l’ordinador com a la tauleta tàctil o al mòbil. 

Últim dia per a enviar el correu amb el resultat del test: Sunday 13th May

Good luck!!

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